
that day是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

that day

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1.那天 today 今天 that day 那天 tonight 今晚 ...

2.当天 卡兰迪鲁 Carandiru 那一天 That Day 马可·贝罗奇奥 Marco Bellocchio ...

4.这一天械公敌》(I, Robot)[HDTVRip] 《这一天》(That Day)[DVDRip] 《牛仔裤的夏天》(The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants)2C…

5.日当天 只为途中与你相见 But just for running into you in my span 那一日 That day ...

7.那日 那天 that day 那日 that day 这(一)天 this day ...


1.He said he would come that day.他说过那天会来的。

2.I had been so worried and restless running up and down that I had not had the patience to dress that day.那天我提心吊胆,跑上跑下,连穿衣的心思也没有了。

3.The question that had been disturbing Pierre all that day, since the Mozhaisk hill, now struck him as perfectly clear and fully solved.从莫扎伊斯克山下来后这一整天都困绕着皮埃尔的那个问题,现在他觉得十分清楚,并且完全解决了。

4.We gave you a post-office box two and a half months ago and wrote to you that day to tell you your box number .两个半月前,我们给了你们一个邮箱,也在那天给你们写了信,并告诉你们箱子编号。

5.So was the Condemned Man's head cleft from his body, and was innocence visited upon him that day.就这样罪人的头被砍下来了,同时清白那天也拜访了他。

6.In short, a volume of a novel of fashionable life was that day improvised by her for my benefit.总之,那一天,她为了我即兴创作了一部时髦生活的小说。

7.It was a miracle that Angel was born and weaned from her mother just in time for us to take her home that day!天使的出生,以及她及时的断奶,刚好让我们那天能带她回家,这整个安排真是神奇!

8.'I--I'm a little girl, ' said Alice, rather doubtfully, as she remembered the number of changes she had gone through that day.“我是一个小姑娘。”爱丽丝拿不准地说,因为她想起了这一天中经历的那么多的变化。

9.One morning when they sat down to breakfast at Talbothays Dairy some maid observed that she had not seen anything of Mr Clare that day.有一天早晨,大家在泰波塞斯奶牛场坐下来吃饭的时候,有个姑娘注意到当天她没有看见克莱尔先生一点儿影子。

10.That day, I had classes in school. I had intended to ask leaves from the teacher, but he did not approve.在她九十大寿那天,我正在学校上课,我本打算向老师请假,但他就是不批准。